The non-profit organization Pet Heroes has been helpinganimals in need for 10 years. Thanks to them, countless abused, handicapped, abandoned and stray dogs and cats have returned to life. When they are not in the field, they run a shelter in Lanškroun, provide temporary care all over the country, build a centre for animals and run a charity shop. Managing so many projects from different cities has been chaotic. So the Pet Heroes team started using Freelo.
"Freelo has been an incredible help to us for a long time. We keep records of animal stories, cruelty cases, operational issues, projects, awareness campaigns, and communicate with external volunteers and staff."
The goal of the roughly 20-member Pet Heroes team is not only to rescue animals, but also to spread awareness and educate society. Through various activities, they try to draw attention to scams and breeders and show people how not to fall for a pet.
Initially, they set tasks via chat and emails. However, as the team grew, and everyone worked from a different city, they were looking for a tool to organize their work. They compared Asana, Trello, Freelo and some other project management apps.
"Everybody knows what everybody is doing and we can assign tasks to each other. If we have a project that needs to be put on hold or is pending, we can get back to it quickly. This gives us opportunities to work from anywhere and expand our reach into other cities and states."
When someone in such a close-knit team falls ill or goes on holiday, it can be quite difficult to replace them. With Freelo, however, such problems have been eliminated. With a traceable history for all tasks, the whole team knows how the task has evolved and anyone can easily follow up.
"As a nonprofit, we don't have a lot of money, so a lot of people are sitting in multiple chairs at once. We have to fill in for each other and improvise. We do divide up the tasks, but at any given time someone may have to take over. That's not a problem now, thanks to Freelo. Anyone can link to a thread that exists where things are described and get up to speed more quickly."
So far, Pet Heroes has successfully completed 2,800 tasks in 21 projects.
The nonprofit has incorporated Freelo into all of its work processes, so it records external collections for animals (whether for shelters or directly for owners who are in financial distress). For each animal, they write the whole story from beginning to end and assigns specific tasks. Some cases take years to solve, so if needed, they can go back to it to recall important information at any time.
In addition, they manage the charity online store in Freelo. For example, a template for clothing collections helps them to do this, as they have repetitive processes.
And Freelo also helps Pet Heroes in the HR area. They manage the whole process of hiring a new employee. That way, they never forget anything during onboarding.
Keep things as simple and clear as possible when working with Freelo. Use bullet points, bold text and italics in comments. When you need to go through a task quickly, it's easy to navigate and find what you need.