News in Freelo

We enjoy changes. They move us forward.


  • You can now view the task in the report overview User Summarieswhich groups the reports by individual users so you can see their total reported hours on the task.
  • You can now select to keep the original format without cropping when uploading a cover image for a task.
  • We've improved the site All users - now offers quick search, advanced filters and a unified design with other pages, making it easier to manage your users and streamline your work.
  • We've tweaked the filtering option in the project reports, where it's now easy to move the time period by clicking the arrows. This allows you to quickly move through a specified date range without unnecessary setup.
  • We have modified the message hourly rates - Captain has his own unlockable rate, Administrators can lock or unlock the hourly rates of other administrators and users, the invited user has no possibility to lock or unlock the hourly rate for himself.

07 & 08/2024

  • Now the title image of the task in kanban will also be displayed in the modal window when you click the task detail preview.
  • Now, after sending comments you can exit the text window using the ESC key and go straight to further editing, especially using keyboard shortcuts.
  • We've expanded for clarity Dashboard data export in CSV format.
    • Now you will find the subtasks next to which task they are related to.
    • We merged identical custom project fields in the export into one column.
  • We have extended the API documentation to include an endpoint for hourly rate users.


  • Now it is possible to invite whole teams to a project at the same time. With a few clicks, you can now invite a whole team of people to a project without having to invite each individual user one by one.
  • It is now possible to add an image to a task in Kanban. This makes the Kanban view even more visual and user-friendly.
  • We have added the ability to set relations of tasks directly in the templates so that when the project is extracted from the template, the task relations settings are preserved.
  • We've modified the label management options to eliminate unwanted editing of labels by another owner, but to preserve the ability to select any label across projects/from different label owners:
    • Editing labels directly on the task is now only possible on your labels or if you are the Project manager and at the same time the Admin in the project.
    • In Label Management the labels are now grouped by their owners to minimize unwanted modifications of other people's labels. Again, the user must be the Project manager under a given owner to see and administer labels from another owner's projects in the settings.
  • You can now turn on minimalist notifications in the settings, which take up less screen space (useful when using Freelo on your phone, for example).


  • When writing task descriptions or comments, it is now possible to use the "/" keyboard shortcut to open the Quick Add menu - this feature can be used to quickly mention or create notes and tasks (including all the attributes) directly whilst composing the text. Additionally, other items can also be mentioned (e.g. To-Do lists).
  • Now you can more easily check which users are covered by your licenses after we changed the order of the sections in the User management category in the Business panel. You will now find the With licence section first, and the All section (users you share any project with outside of your company) second.
  • We have modified the system of assigning a saved client to a project - now the name of the company will be displayed in the list in addition to the name of the contact person.
  • We added a keyboard shortcut for editing custom fields - just press "C" anywhere on the task detail .
  • We have extended the API documentation with:


  • We have added a new category to the Reports section - Tasks with a reminder. This opens up a new way for you to have an overview of all the reminders you have set and to manage them in one place.
  • We've added additional settings when creating a new To-Do list. When you create a To-Do list, you can now directly select a default solver for all future tasks created in it. At the same time, you can also adjust the user access permissions to the To-Do list.
  • We've added a warning when commenting on a task that is overdue - Freelo will prompt you to postpone the deadline. This will prevent you from handing a task past its due date to a colleague.
  • You can now view exact dates of the task deadlines on the Dashboard. For example, if the deadline for a task is May 1, you will see a calendar icon with that date on the Dashboard instead of Due today.
  • Now you can set solver and deadline for tasks directly in the Mind Map without having to click on the modal window with task details in it.
  • Now you can change the due date using the "T" keyboard shortcut directly when typing a comment in a task discussion.
  • We've adjusted the settings for recurring tasks with an annual frequency - you can now choose how frequently to repeat the task (every 2 years, every 5 years, etc.).


  • 🎉 We have launched a multi-project Timeline - its big advantage is the ability to view tasks across multiple projects.
    • With the hierarchy view option, you can see all tasks across projects in the panel on the left, even if they are not currently visible in the selected time period on the Timeline.
    • Now, you can adjust the width of the panel on the left side, so that the full name of the project or the To-Do list is always visible.
    • You can use the wrap function to hide tasks from a project with one click in order to increase clarity in the Timeline. You can additionally hide all the empty rows to increase clarity as well.
    • In the multi-project Timeline, you can filter tasks using custom filters.
  • We have perfected the relation conflict check in the Project Timeline.
  • You can now create tasks directly in the Timeline even when you set sorting by Solver.
  • We've added the ability to complete all subtasks in one click.
  • We've added the Out of Office feature. This makes it easy to set when you will not be available in Freelo - other users will see an Away badge next to your avatar everywhere in Freelo.
  • We've expanded the options for reacting to comments to include short text responses and emojis.
  • Now you can add an emoji as an icon for saved custom filters on the Dashboard to differentiate and navigate better between filters.
  • Now it is easier to distinguish between tasks and subtasks when invoicing - the difference is in the indentation and different colouring when you hover over the sub/task with the mouse (the background colour for tasks is blue, for subtasks it's yellow).
  • We've adjusted the transcoding so that all videos in the comments play smoothly.
  • Newly, Freelo remembers the last selected video playback speed and automatically applies it to other videos you watch.
  • Newly, on the Dashboard you can change the order of filters using drag&drop not only of custom filters, but also the default filters that every user has in Freelo.
  • We've modified the email notification settings for task due dates - now you can set a notification for a task due date even if it doesn't have a specific time set.
  • We have modified preserving the history of comments that are being edited. It is now possible to return to a written (but not yet saved) comment at any time, even if you are editing an existing comment (previously this was only the case when writing a new comment).
  • Newly, the section Payments displays both the price for the paid plan without VAT as well as with it for better clarity. Previously, only the price without VAT was displayed on this page.
  • We have improved the API search - now you can apply a filter on task names when listing tasks on the API.
  • We have extended the API documentation with:



  • Newly added time function estimates to tasks allows you to divide the total time capacity between users.
  • Now the captain can set his own hourly rate across all projects.
  • Newly tasks created via Gmail add-on can be transferred to Freela icluding all the attachments from the email.
  • Now when you embed a YouTube video in a comment, you can use a special URL when sharing from YouTube to ensure the video starts at a pre-selected time. At that time, the video embedded in the comment will start playing.
  • Short videos (in the format „Shorts“ ) can now be played directly in the comment (without having to click through the link to a new window).
  • Now the task followers are also transferred to the project created from the template.
  • Now comments in the code can be indented to the next line in the editor using a tab.
  • We've added a one-click option to notes and files to copy their URL to the clipboard - just like it works with tasks.
  • We added a column with task descriptions to CSV files exported from Freelo.
  • We have expanded the settings of recurring tasks by allowing you to choose to always create a new task in the To-Do sheet it was created in originally (regardless of which To-Do sheet it was moved to after being completed).
  • We've enhanced the discussion to include the possibility to sort comments by newest or oldest.
  • We've improved notifications:
    • Notification filtering - in addition to being able to filter from the oldest notifications, you can now also select only a specific time frame. This makes it much easier to respond to more notifications after a longer absence (e.g. a vacation).
    • Appearance of notifications about completed tasks - now the name of the completed task is crossed out in the notification.
  • We've improved the task search when setting up relations between tasks - now you can link a task by its URL in addition to its name.
  • We've improved time reporting for subtasks - you can now start timetracking with the Play icon next to the subtask name, just like you can with tasks.
  • We've improved the notifications for new comments on tasks, so that if there are multiple comments in a discussion, the notifications will be grouped into one and you won't receive each one individually.
  • We have improved the two-step SMS verification so that you don't have to manually rewrite the code - now, after receiving the SMS, a window pops up to confirm its automatic completion.
  • We have adjusted the time limit for deleting the task description in the template (now it can be deleted at any time, unlike task descriptions in active projects, where the time limit is 15 minutes).
  • We've modified the endpoint for creating a task in the API documentation so that the author of a task created using the API doesn't automatically become its follower.
  • We now accept payments in EUR in addition to CZK.

21 December 2023

  • We've improved drag & drop task movement in kanban. Now you can just drag a task anywhere in the range of the entire column (no need to move it directly under the last task) and it will be automatically added to the To-Do list.
  • We've expanded the number of labels displayed on the task detail, so now you no longer need to view the labels over the three dots if there are more than two (applies to the desktop version).
  • We've modified the icon for the video embedded in the comment, so it's clear at a glance what type of file it is.
  • We've adjusted the size limit for profile photos - they can now be up to 5 MB.
  • We've adjusted the size of the label removal cross to make removing the label more convenient and to avoid accidentally clicking through to the label.
  • Newly you can see week numbers in calendar.
  • Newly the cursor disappears from the editing form after saving a comment using Cmd/Ctrl + Enter, so if you want to use keyboard shortcuts straight away, you can and you don't need to worry about accidentally typing in the editing form again.
  • We have expanded the settings webhooks - you can now send information about your own fields to another application through them.
  • We have extended the API documentation with:
    • endpoint to filter the invoice to a specific project and download it in CSV format,
    • endpoint to move the task.

29 November 2023

  • We have added a time fund feature to To-Do lists.
  • We have extended the blocking relations to be applicable across all projects.
  • Highlighting text next to a project or a task name does not automatically start editing it anymore, so you can now simply copy it.

5 November 2023

21 September 2023

  • 🥳 Freelo has undergone a redesign that brings a number of improvements:
    • a new task detail,
    • Easy switching between project views, including a brand new Tables section,
    • clearer project detail.
  • We've added Role feature that allows you to modify the permissions of the client or external colleague to intervene in projects. The option to create roles can be found in the Business plan.
  • You can now filter Completed Tasks by projects, users and dates.
  • Now, when another user deletes a report, that user will receive notification of this action.
  • We fixed a bug in the Make integration that happened when automatically assigning a default user.
  • We've modified adding users in the Notifications Received component for tasks. Added Whisperer, Select All/Cancel All, and adding users to track after Teams.
  • We have extended the endpoint API to include labels for tasks.
  • We have extended the endpoint API to filter projects by creation date, tags, current status or project owner.

11 August 2023

  • We've improved two-way integration with Google Calendar. You can set only one direction of connection.
  • We have modified the editing of reports:
  • We have adjusted the settings for recurring payments for Freelo. The system will try to repeat a failed payment 5 days in a row. And, of course, email notifications about the unpaid tariff continue to arrive.
  • We've expanded the public links for To-do lists and sub/tasks to include priority, deadline, assigned users, and the ability to view subtasks. The design of the public links has also been modified.
  • We've modified and added filters in the project, user and team insights.
  • A new refresh icon is now displayed to load new notifications in the notification bell if you have it open.
  • The new HTML code preserves the formatting of comments when exporting a task.
  • We have improved integration with Vyfakturuj, iDoklad and Fakturoid. You can now preset the due date of invoices when issuing invoices.
  • We have extended the API endpoint with a worker ID filter.
  • We have extended the API documentation with three new notification endpoints:
    • a list of all notifications,
    • marked as read,
    • marked as unread.
  • We have extended the API documentation with:
  • We have extended the task details endpoint API with a response field.
  • We have extended the event listing endpoint API to filter by task ID and due_dates (for events related to adding/editing a task).
  • We have improved the export of comments in the task. It now preserves formatting and emoji 🥳
  • We fixed a bug with copying tasks with subtasks. Now the trackers from the original subtasks are preserved for copied subtasks.
  • We have now made provision for a high frequency of tasks and comments being sent to Freela by email.

18 March 2023

  • The dashboard is back with reports for today and yesterday, but also the total for this week and month. In addition, you can see the latest activity on projects, new comments in discussions and the last completed tasks.
  • We have modified the business plan and added the option to order for smaller teams (5, 10 and 15 users).
  • We added parent_task_id to the API documentation.
  • We fixed a bug with the administrator restoring an archived project. Now, after restoring the archived project, the captain is the same as the captain of the active project.

21 February 2023

  • 🥳 Now you can plan and manage your projects much more efficiently via Timeline (Business plan). This feature is also called Gantt chart or project timeline. It solves problems like:
    • A deadline shift for 20 assignments? 3 clicks.
    • The critical path continuously shows the project completion date.
    • Who has too little work and who has too much, and efficient and quick redistribution.
    • Big picture of the project.
    • Saves time for designers, bosses and team leaders.
  • 🏠 Zpřehlednili jsme Dashboard – změny na takto důležitých místech nejsou nikdy jednoduché. Jsme ale přesvědčení, že tato část potřebovala „provzdušnit“. Původní sekce, které z nového dashboardu zmizeli, najdete v Reportech (Diskuze, Dokončené úkoly, Výkazy > Denní). Dejte prosím změně alespoň týden, budeme rádi za zpětnou vazbu na nebo na chatu. Děkujeme 🙌
  • We've added the Task Links feature to make it easier to link tasks together. You will find the option to set up relations in the Team and Business plans.
  • For templates, we have extended the text export with a term.
  • When creating a task via URL, you can now set up a redirect to the project detail after creating the task.

6 February 2023

23 December 2022

21 November 2022

  • 💡 Mind map - a new view of the project will help you start a new project better or show the already running projects from a different perspective. More about mind map.
  • ...
  • Extension of the API with the ability to upload files.
  • Safari 16.1 supports web push notifications.
  • Files now open in a new browser window.
  • The week number is now visible when selecting a date from the calendar.
  • It is now visible on the task detail whether it is publicly shared.

8 October 2022

  • 🎨 New design of the main menu.
  • 📅 We now have a two-way connection with Google Calendar.
  • 🙌 Now you can import data from Asana to Freelo.
  • 🤖 We've added a new custom field to the tasks. You can now add additional information, statuses, values to your tasks. Easily create a miniCRM or link Freelo to your IS. It can be text or numeric data. (business plan)
  • 🔕 Now you can set what days and times you will receive notifications in the app (mobile and desktop) and browser. You can find it in Settings > Notifications at the very bottom.
  • 🧘 Right in the notification center is a new mode „Do Not Disturb“, which turns off notifications until the end of the day or until you turn them on yourself.
  • 🕑 Now you can set up a watch across projects (business plan).
  • 🗂 The history of notes and comments now includes files and images.
  • 📱 Download the new version of the iOS app. We've tweaked the file download options, improved the look of the new menu, and fixed the app opening when you click the Freelo link in any other app.
  • ⌨️ We have extended the creation of plain text tasks to include simple subtasks, deadlines, assigned users and first comment.
  • We've added the ability to open notifications in the doorbell in a modal window in the mobile app.
  • When you create a project from a template, you can now select which users from the template to invite to the new project.
  • For creating a task via URL, you can now set up a redirect after creating a task to a specific To-Do list or to the detail of the newly created task.
  • When setting up a project, you can now choose whether this applies to all your projects or just one specific project.
  • We've added the ability to invite users to all projects at once.
  • Public link marking, if you share the task via a public link, you can now see that this option is highlighted on the task detail (done for the task, not yet for the todo sheet) class="measure-wide"
  • Option to create a proforma invoice when invoicing another via iDoklad, Fakturoid and Vyfakturuj.
  • We have extended the API endpoint with the ability to choose a captain when creating a project.
  • API Enhance filters for All task collection endpoint - now you can filter:
    • everything that has no deadline
    • anything with a term from-to or to greater/less than
    • has an X label
    • no X label
    • tasks completed after the deadline
    • completion date from-to
  • API extension of endpoint filter to all reports for task IDs - now you can filter by task ID.

3 September 2022

  • Now you can change and see the priority of smart subtasks.
  • Now you can export filtered data on Dashboard to a spreadsheet format (CSV).
  • All users will now also have access to archived projects. These projects can be found on the All Projects page.
  • You can now view the completion date of the sub/task on the Dashboard with information about how long before/after the deadline the task was completed.
  • You can now expand the image in the mobile app by stretching your fingers when viewing images in the gallery.
  • Now you can see the percentage of over/under spending of the time capacity and financial budget in the project budget.
  • We now show an animated preview of the video for videos embedded in the discussion via the link.
  • The name of the parent task is now also displayed for smart subtasks exported to the calendar.
  • You can now view all the notes on the daily cost reports listing with a single click.
  • Templates are now also displayed in the project list when replacing a user.
  • Now WebP images are also displayed in the gallery.
  • We now remember the last account you visited in the Business panel, so you don't always have to switch.
  • We have extended the Work reports API to include the total amount of the task report and the task > cost > amount/currency.

June 24, 2022

  • 🚀 Dashboard has a new table view. You can move, hide or expand columns. Tasks can be completed, edited, or you can track time right above them. Video
  • You can now view completed tasks in the calendar, set tasks to disappear when completed. We've also made the calendar header cleaner overall.
  • When creating a task by email, the author is now the user with the sending email address (if it exists in Freelo).
  • You can now move tasks in the calendar outside the selected area using the ← → keyboard shortcuts (works immediately after „grabbing and dragging“ under/under the mouse).
  • You can now view all the notes for the reports for a task at once with one click.
  • Now you can easily change your payment card without having to cancel a recurring payment.
  • You can now install the desktop PWA application via a click in the footer
  • API extension with endpoint Get issued invoice detail.
  • API extension to include Start time tracking, Stop time tracking and Edit time tracking endpoints.
  • API extension for parent_task_id in the Get tasklist, Tasks in tasklist, Paginated collection of all tasks and Get project endpoints.
  • We fixed the alphabetical ordering of templates in the modal window when inserting.
  • We fixed the display of detailed information in external calendars (Google, Outlook, ...)

7 May 2022

  • You can now record a voice message (on all devices) and record a screen / window / tab with optional sound (on desktop).
  • You can now manage and work with Teams across the app in the Business plan.
  • You can now switch Freelo to German, Polish, Spanish, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Danish, Romanian and Latvian.
  • We now display labels for subtasks.
  • Newly, when setting up followers to post a comment, we find out who is following the task when the list of users is clicked - this prevents inadvertently resetting „to an outdated“ state.
  • New tasks completed in the calendar remain visible until the page refreshes - we are currently working on the ability to view completed tasks after the page refreshes.
  • We've made the app load faster by optimizing the side help.
  • We have improved clicking on sub/tasks with short names.

March 1, 2022

  • U pod/úkolů lze při psaní jejich názvů rovnou zadat i jejich termín ve formátu //1 (termín: zítra), //2 (termín: pozítří) apod., také je možné zadávat termíny od do //1-2 (termíny: od zítra do pozítří). Nové zadávání termínů funguje i v textových šablonách. treti podukol
  • Now you can save user filters on the page To invoice and we've also sped it up considerably.
  • You can now create a new task in the calendar by double-clicking (for tasks with a due date) in the time and day area or by clicking and dragging to specify a date range (for tasks with from-to dates).
  • Now you can set the reminder of the sub/task via the shortcut Mouse over sub/task + R or just R directly on the sub/task detail.
  • Clearer setting of terms when adding a comment.
  • Option to highlightcode like this for one or more words directly on the line.
  • We've cleared up the summary email and the tasks with upcoming and missed deadlines are at the top.

February 17, 2022

November 30, 2021

October 2, 2021

  • You can now create new tasks via URL with pre-set information such as: project, To-Do list, subtask, assigned user, comment and deadlines (fixed and floating). More in Help
  • Now you can create Smart subtasks with comment/content directly without the need for editing existing ones. The new feature you can find in the dropdown menu ”Add subtasks”.
  • You can now Save the comment and set a reminder at the same time. You can find the new feature in the dropdown menu ”Save” at the end of the task discussion.
  • You can now Save and Activate Task a comment/task if the task is already completed. You can find the new feature in the dropdown menu ”Save” at the end of the task discussion.
  • We have clarified the detailed listing of activities on the Dashboard, in the project and on the user profile.
  • Now ”likes” on comments in discussions for all files or links.
  • Now if you mention someone via @NameSurname when editing a comment, they will get a notification.
  • We have added a subtask column to the CSV export of reports.
  • API extension for endpoint get-task on comment files.
  • API extension for endpoint get-file (by ID)
  • API extension for date_finished in the finished-tasks-in-tasklist-collection endpoint and the user who completed the task in get-task.
  • API extensions to date_add and date_edited_at for task collection, tasklist collection, project collection, work-report collection and on task detail.
  • We fixed a bug with not loading a large number (100+) of completed subtasks.

August 26, 2021

  • New Files in projects:
    • Uploading files.
    • Uploading new file versions and browse history.
    • Creating folders and plunging.
    • Option to colour your folders and files.
    • Option to attach files to a project.
    • Ability to work with services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, ...
    • Filtering by file names and types.
    • Discussions in files and notes details with notifications.
    • Sharing outside Freelo via a generated public link.
  • Subtasks are highlighted on the Dashboard.

August 18, 2021

  • You can set canban/column project view when creating a new project.
  • In the project settings you can now force kanban/column view to all project users. You can also set the order and visibility of project sections. These setting can be different for you and for other users.
  • You can now display the parent task in the Calendar in the column Tasks without deadline - if it is a subtask. Directly in the calendar, the subtasks have a tooltip with information about which task they belong to.
  • The calendar shows all tasks in the Week view without having to click anywhere else.
  • In the Time tracking section, we display the time from-to for each report. You know exactly when it was created.
  • Faster and improved subtask list in task. Any change in the modal window is reflected in the background list without refreshing the task page. When loading subtasks, an animation is displayed. Completed subtasks are hidden under a link.
  • You can now transfer Project templates to/from another user.
  • Now you can see the number of new notifications on the icon in the browser tab. It is especially useful in the case of a large number of tabs where you can't see the text, but only the favicon.
  • We've added a “back button” prior to a breadcrumb navigation in the modal window. It allows more convenient navigation through different levels of tasks within the same window. The standard Back in browser works the same way now.
  • You can order pinned notes at the beginning of the To-Do list.
  • In project templates you can select the day, when the preset due dates start.
  • Fixed display of project colors in the Calendar in dark mode.

June 19, 2021

  • New Calendar where you can select a project color. More updates:
    • visible Task Priorities,
    • speed up loading,
    • no need to reload a page when making changes, such as deadline or task assignee.
  • Unified color of the Task Labels and projects in the Calendar - we reduced the number of colors to achieve higher clarity and easier communication.
  • You can watch Vimeo videos directly in Freelo - just paste the URL address in comment.
  • You can generate a public link for subtasks.
  • List of subtasks (checklist) in smart subtask has a different color.
  • You can add smart subtask to a My task priorities list.
  • When sending a comment from e-mail, the author's e-mail is visible below the comment.
  • On Dashboard you can change due date thanks to keyboard shortcut T.
  • You can set e-mail notification for a Task Reminder for the exact day and time.
  • Smart subtasks have a new icon (blue round graf) that indicates another subtasks.
  • Highlighted comments, for example those you click in the notification center.
  • Display modal window of the task via keyboard shortcut Q/E in reports Summaries and Weekly and monthly.
  • Create a sub/task from a comment via three dot menu.
  • You can view a comment history in discussion in Notes.
  • Move completed tasks between columns/To-Do lists. It is useful when using Kanban backlog, scheduled, done etc.
  • Fixed loading of edited notes from another user without reloading a page.
  • Fixed smart subtasks in templates - now they are transferred to a new projects correctly with a first comment.
  • Fixed scrolling when adding a To-Do list in Kanban.
  • Fixed Task Labels in public links.
  • Fixed repeated displaying window for permitting a desktop notifications.
  • Fixed view of a subtask assignee in public links.
  • Extended API by subtasks.
  • Extended API by task activities.

May 15, 2021

  • You can install desktop application from Chrome (PWA) - you can now have Freelo as a standalone application instead of a browser in your Dock/Application Bar with full notification settings in your operating system.
  • Keyboard shortcut T to quickly set/edit/cancel due dates - Mouse over sub/task + T for editing the due date with arrows (left, right - days), (up, down - months), T - + a week, X - delete the existing due date.
  • "Browser" notifications - You can now turn on system notifications that appear outside of your browser and you can customize them in the Notifications (Mac)/Notifications and Actions settings (Windows).
  • You can delete your avatar in the user settings to get the basic variation with the initials.
  • Login, Registration, and Forgot Password pages are redesigned.
  • Speed ​​up notification loading.
  • Optimization of javascript libraries.

February 5, 2021

  • Add files and photos to the notes. We have changed the color of notes – now are white, which is more neutral and common.
  • Video and audio files MP4, MOV, WAV, MP3 can be played in Freelo. No need to download these files.
  • Gmail addon and solved status of archived To-Do lists and projects. We have solved the issue with summaries of To-Do lists, projects and users, where not all items were displayed.
  • Name of the superior task is visible in subtasks in Time tracking and Search pages.
  • Better color switch in text editor.

January 9, 2021

  • Subtask are smarter and can have deadlines and discussion, are visible in calendar and Dashboard. They can also have statements.
  • Task creation is faster and more developed – you can set up priority and label directly.
  • Freelo API is extended by 3 new endpoints all-tasks, all-tasklists, all-projects.

December 16, 2020

October 23, 2020

  • In the Time tracking dropdown menu, you can add or change a report note.
  • The timesheet table in Reports > Timesheets > Weekly and monthly, is an option to expand the main column with names by dragging the mouse.
  • Now there are notifications for completed subtasks to all people that are following a task.
  • We've modified the Drag&Drop task sorting in the My Task Priorities section.
  • When filtering in kanban view, columns that are empty, are no longer hidden. Therefore it is possible to move tasks anywhere in the project even after filtering.
  • If we are unable to deliver the notification in the mobile app, we will now try to deliver it again later. Previously, such a notification was no longer received on the device.

October 1, 2020

  • We've added a switch to show only unread notifications in the notification center. Suitable for operating with Inbox Zero.
  • We've added two options for task reminder, in one month and in two months.

September 17, 2020

  • Option to set up following users/assignee for To-Do list – you can set up To-Do list so that each current or future new task will have pre-selected followers (they will receive notifications e.g. about new comments) or assignee.
  • New summaries - we have improved filtering, added the ability to save views, added an interactive data table with the ability to export currently filtered data
  • Smart links - We are now converting internal links like to text form, so that for example a link to a comment will also display its text in the window.
  • Due to expansion of new features we have re-structured links in Reports menu.
  • Deleted To-Do list will also delete connected public links.

September 9, 2020

  • New kanban view – we have redesigned column view of the project. Check our Help, how you can switch to kanban.
  • Integration Raynet CRM – you can connect Freelo and CRM software Raynet. It enables to display information, events and business cases about your clients in Freelo.
  • More comfortable drag&drop for tasks, To-Do lists, subtasks and saved filters. Now there is no special icon you need, just pull any part of the element that you want to move.
  • You can line up filters on Dashboard as you like via drag&drop.
  • Running time tracking is displayed by a red dot in the favicon in your browser.

August 31, 2020

  • Cost reports, bosses will fall in love with it - weekly/monthly reporting per users, projects, To-Do lists and tasks with many options to filter and save views.
  • Task overviews – lists of Repetitive tasks, Last deleted items and Public links. Find in section Reports > Task overviews.
  • Better comment reactions – new way to simply mark the text of comment and reply directly to it and also reply option to the whole comment.
  • Notification filtration – helps to find particular notification according to types, users and projects.

July 28, 2020

  • Open a task in a pop-up window directly from notifications and from all "task" links on the Dashboard via the + Q or E mouse keyboard shortcuts.
  • Dark mode - an experimental feature in development that you can try out in the settings.
  • New apperance of three-dot menu in notifications.
  • Updated appearance of comment detail.
  • Time tracking dropdown menu allows to change the start of tracking.
  • More minimalist look of public links / iframes (easier to insert into your IS).

June 9, 2020

  • You can share a note via generating secret public link.
  • The note tile shows a preview of its contents.
  • Subtasks can be assigned faster to users during creation.
  • In the Reports > Reports section, you can view a note for each report.
  • Possibility to turn on e-mail notification of completition of task I follow.

April 30, 2020

  • Improvement of notes:
    • History of savings by users
    • Editing mode
    • You can notify user by mention @name in discussion of notes
    • Note can be pinned to To-Do lists and used as assignment
    • The content of the pinned note for the generated public link of To-Do list is visible
    • Possibility to generate public link for note itself
  • Possibility to filter tasks without labels on dahsboard.
  • Possibility to sort tasks in To-Do list via three-dot menu according to: due date, priority, date of adding.
  • Better report filtering. Now it doesn't happen after each selection of individual filters, but only after clicking the filter button.

February 2, 2020

  • Advanced formatting options when writing comments. You can change the color of the text and its background. Texts can be separated by a horizontal separator.
  • Timetracking dropdown menu with the ability to click or resume tracking of recently tracked tasks.
  • To-Do lists view can be set as the default project page. Useful when using Kanban / Column view - see the three-dot menu on To-Do lists page or dropdown settings (gear) of project details.
  • Sort To-Do list tasks by date, priority, and actual age (creation date - oldest or newest) - see the three-dot menu of To-Do list.
  • Keyboard shortcut to quickly assign a subtask to yourself - mouse over subtask + M.
  • New filter on your Dashboard No label.

January 14, 2020

  • Floating deadlines in templates. Due date can be set +X days since the creation of the task from a template.
  • Possibility to have empty line in comment.
  • API extensions with new parameters such as labels and priorities.
  • Change of favicon so it is more different from Google documents.

November 18, 2019

  • New shortcut for quick task preview - Mouse over task + Q.
  • New keyboard shortcut for quick task preview and edit - mouse over task + E.
  • Speed optimization – we speed up many parts of the app.
  • New filters next week and month on dashboard.
  • 🎉 Emoji after finishing a task for a reward.
  • Possibility to have empty line in comment.

September 20, 2019

  • Subtasks can have an assignee (assigned user).
  • Commenting now sends a notification to the author of the comment and has a new design.
  • New shortcut for assigning a task to yourself - Mouse over task + M .
  • Shared public projects and To-Do lists now also appear including subtasks .
  • In collaboration with leading Czech experts , we launched a public database of templates of projects, processes, checklists and procedures.
  • Pinned information has a new - more compact - look and nicer icons.
  • We've released a blogpost with a video of all the news .

September 2, 2019

  • New SVG control and file icons.
  • Running Timetracking on the main toolbar is more pronounced.
  • Users without a profile photo have a Initial avatar to make it easier to identify the assigned user on mobile devices.
  • Publicly shared To-Do lists allow you to view subtasks via the completed subtask status icon.
  • What's new in Dashboard filters
    • Floating dates - Created by and Tasks with a term. They allow you to display tasks in a floating appointment window, so there's no need to change a fixed date. Highlight active filters.
    • Dashboard remembers recently searched filters and to-do list when you go to another page (for example, to-do details and back)
    • We've added an All filter to view completed and unfinished tasks at once .
  • New keyboard shortcut to get focus Alt + Shift + F search.
  • Possibility to insert only one task from template and better checkbox behavior for selection.
  • Unification of the colon menu and the right menu on task detail and design matching.

August 19, 2019

  • Task labels and priorities. More
  • Task reminders. More
  • Multiple elements (To-Do lists, tasks, subtasks) can be added to projects in one step More
  • Generate text export of To-Do lists and To-Do lists in text and re-importable format. With the option to export already completed tasks or subtasks. Learn more
  • The project budget can now be set to units (previously hundreds).
  • For To-Do lists, report totals are also displayed to “ordinary” non-users. They only see their statements.

June 7, 2019

April 14, 2019

  • Recurring budgets and zeroing budgets.
  • Better display of exceeded budgets on To-Do lists.
  • Extension of filters on dashboard.
  • When you add a task in the calendar of a specific project, the project is preselected in the form.
  • When you click the chain icon next to the comment, the URL is copied directly to the clipboard.
  • API command to list users.
  • Saving note name along with the entire note.
  • See more in [CZ]

March 28, 2019

  • New Dashboard (Reporting)
  • Publicly shared tasks display files
  • Changelog task
  • Mention @project
  • Note on invoice
  • Line listing of files and notes
  • Copy URL task/comments on mobile
  • Task completion animation
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]

January 31, 2019

  • Now you can transfer your own projects to someone else with a few clicks, or request the transfer of projects from other users under your account. You'll find this feature under Projects > All Projects. See more in the preview
  • We've added a keyboard shortcut menu. You can find it in the right menu under your photo.
  • We added a button to create a new / clean template instead of creating it over an existing project.
  • You can view the inclusion of a task in your calendar: Name> To-Do list> Project .

January 12, 2019

  • We redesigned the task line. More in [CZ]
  • Better VAT validation.
  • The button for creating templates is now separately.

November 14, 2018

  • Notification and Timetracking are now restored without reloading the browser window / tab. They are synchronized independently via websockets
  • In the Payments section, you can enter another email address to which the generated invoices will be sent . This is useful, for example, for automatically sending accounts to an accountant.
  • In the calendar, we now also display the end task time (if a specific hourly interval is set from-to).
  • When copying To-Do lists, you can select copy completed tasks and preserve of assigned users (if users are already invited to the target project to which they are copied).

September 11, 2018

  • Typing 1310 in Timesheets is now considered as a 13:10 time.
  • You can change your hour-rate in the Project > Users section on the invited project.
  • Notification email on long running time report.
  • The mobile version shows the informational badge that the Timetracking is running.
  • On the Time tracking page, all reports have backlinks to the tasks.
  • A few other minor improvements in the Time tracking.
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]

August 24, 2018

  • To-Do lists can be made from project templates directly in the project detail.
  • Subtasks can be created on task detail from project templates that have tasks with subtasks.
  • You can invite the user to a project template. You can share a template with other users who can use it.
  • Invited users in templates can be assigned to tasks. Assigning in the template is held in newly created project.
  • You can now create a new template in the Projects via the dropdown menu.
  • In the details of the project, you can set what blocks and the order in which they will appear. You can find the settings in the project detail header on the right under the setting icon.
  • More about templates in video [CZ]

August 15, 2018

  • You can now export data from projects and To-Do lists to a CSV file (Excel format). Exports can be found in the contextual menu.

August 13, 2018

  • Typing 1310 in Timesheets is now considered as a 13:10 time.

August 10, 2018

  • Projects are newly sorted and grouped by teams. Then it is clear who invited you to the project.

August 8, 2018

  • The calendar has a new week view.

August 6, 2018

  • To-Do lists can be made from projects templates directly on the project detail.
  • Subtasks can be created on task details from project templates that contains tasks with subtasks.
  • You can invite the users to a project templates. This makes it possible to share a template with other users and they can use it for precesses.
  • Adding users in templates can be assigned to tasks.

July 6, 2018

  • If you paste a video link from a loom service directly to a comment text, it will place the video player.

June 30, 2018

March 7, 2018

  • We've added 2-factor authentication when logging in.
  • You can see the device through which you are signed in. You can unsubscribe from these logins.
  • If an unknown device logs in, you will receive the notification by e-mail. You can turn this notification off in the settings.
  • You can now watch To-Do lists. After that you get notifications to activities on current and future tasks in this To-Do list.
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]

February 2, 2018

  • New menu with inline SVG icons. It's better for performance.
  • Notification center is now all new and better.
  • E-mails can be forwarded to a Freelo-generated e-mail address. Either directly to the task (the content of the e-mail as a comment) or to the To-Do list (creates a new task).
  • API has new functions.
  • We've improved new users. The status of users is visible whether they have registered with Freelo. It is possible to send a URL to complete registration other way than by email.
  • Publicly shared tasks show more meta information and are clearer.
  • Kanban board has several improvements.
  • We connect new invoice service
  • Multiple users can be invited to the project at one time.
  • Several other minor improvements.
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]

September 12, 2017

  • When sending a comment, it can complete the task straight away.
  • You will find the tasks you have created in your profile.
  • Several other minor improvements.
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]


  • Are you interested in last news? Read about the most important ones on our blog in the section "Strojovna".
  • Read more in blogpost [CZ]