How Greenwatt manages the entire photovoltaic contract: from enquiry to installation and service at Freelo

Karel Dytrych asks on behalf of Freelo
Josef Král answers on behalf of Greenwatt

Greenwatt installs turnkey photovoltaic power plants, heat pumps and air conditioning. It has been active in the photovoltaic market since 2017. Back then, under the name Mylux, they were one of the first to install solar tile roofing. As the number of projects and employees grew, they started to get quite a mess in their orders. That's why they tried Freelo. We'll tell you how they and their team of 30 got back on track as you read on. 😉

"The whole process has been streamlined without radically changing the workflow."

Josef Král – Project Manager in Greenwatt
Tým GreenWatt
Team GreenWatt. Source: company archive

Orders came in and information started to disappear

Greenwatt was left with a connection to the Memodo wholesaler from its parent company, which allows it to obtain the highest quality components in the shortest possible time. So the orders kept coming in. That in itself would have been a reason to rejoice. But it was no longer enough for the implementation team and the design team to pass on information wherever and whenever they thought of it. Everyone was getting a little lost in the shuffle. It was threatening to affect the quality of work and customer service.

"Communication for photovoltaic projects took place in different ways - via email, phone, WhatsApp and elsewhere. As the number of orders grew, a lot of things fell through and nobody really knew why. Fortunately, Freelo solved everything."

Josef Král – Project Manager in Greenwatt

Did you know about photovoltaics?

Interest in photovoltaics grew rapidly at the beginning of the millennium. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA), the global installed PV capacity in 2022 was double (1,100 GW) that of 2015. In the Czech Republic, the boom in photovoltaics was fuelled by the adoption in 2005 of the Act 180/2005 Coll. on the support of renewable sources of electricity and a sharp reduction in the price of photovoltaic panels 3 years later.

5 reasons why Greenwatt chose Freelo

  • Everything is in one place: All documentation, communication and organisation of work.
  • There is no need to archive anything special: Everything is easy to get back to after a few months.
  • Templates: in 80% of cases, the implementation of photovoltaics follows the same procedure. Thanks to Greenwatt's templates, they save time in setting up the project and have a better overview of the entire contract process.
  • Pleasant user environment: Suits people in the office and in the field.
  • Mobile app: includes all the same features as on desktop + shooting directly into the comment. A total deal-breaker for the implementation team.

All documents on time and in order

Therefore, there was a need to introduce a tool in the company in which they can manage the entire implementation - from the inquiry to installation and service. A tool where project documentation, communication and tasks for all those working on the project will be available.

"Since the introduction of Freelo, documents and contract documents have been submitted to in a timely manner and we have seen the whole process speed up."

Josef Král – Project Manager in Greenwatt
Figure 1: The documents are in one place. They have assigned researchers and deadlines. They can be annotated. Source:Greenwatt Archive

Don't dwell on unnecessary routine

Most contracts in the photovoltaic business are as similar as eggs to eggs. Thanks to the template, the team doesn't linger on creating the project and gets straight to work. Plus, it helps to unify the entire process.

Figure 2: Setting up a template will make your work faster and easier. Source:Greenwatt Archive

Easy search

In the case of photovoltaic installation, it is sometimes necessary to return to the contract. To trace who worked on it, what system and components were used, how the communication was carried out. If there was a mistake somewhere and if something could have been done better. The project structure and full-text search help with this.

Each job has its own project divided into To-Do sheets. This way all documents are in one place and available at any time (even retrospectively). Source:Greenwatt Archive

"If we need to return to an order after some time (several months or years back), we quickly track down all the data, including communication"

Josef Král – Project Manager in Greenwatt
Figure 4: You can easily find the documents in one place - even reference them or save them all at once. Source:Greenwatt Archive

Communication between the field and the office is second to none

The company employs nearly 30 people, divided into sales, assembly, service and administrative teams. A lot of the work takes place in the field. The mobile app therefore plays an important role. Through Freelo, Greenwatt not only transmits installation documents but also insights into how the installation went. In addition to photos, the reports can also include videos or voice messages.

Figure 5: Report directly from the assembly with photos. Source:Greenwatt Archive

Work Efficiency Overview for Bosses

The bosses at Greenwatt are concerned about the productivity and efficiency of the team. That's why they track metrics like the number of tasks completed or projects closed over a period of time. Freelo also provides them with reports that are based on timetracking. In these, they can immediately see how much time employees are spending on each activity. This makes it easier to evaluate which investments are paying off or which processes need to be straightened out. To do this, they of course collect feedback directly from employees.

The most popular Freelo features according to Greenwatt

  • Templates
  • Discussion under tasks
  • Insert photos and documents to tasks
  • Mobile application

Greenwatt has successfully completed 7,600 tasks in 104 projects to date.

104 projects
27 people
7.600 tasks

Tip from Greenwatt

Introduce Freelo gradually and in stages. First, get inspiration from webinars, help, try it out and then roll it out continuously.

"Calling all the people in the company and saying 'here's Freelo, learn it somehow' would not be a good strategy. That's why I drew inspiration from webinars and help. Trying everything myself first and then rolling it out continuously. As a result, everyone learned quickly with Freelo and adopted it well."

Josef Král – Project Manager in Greenwatt
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