365 Days of Freelo - the second act
Another year is behind us and we can together remember all the important things that happened. Come to recap with us this amazing year!
Where to start elsewhere than last birthday of Freelo. We celebrated maybe „too much“ in the Vinohrady Parliament. 🙂
Participation surprised us so we are preparing a heavier caliber in co-working space in Prague Node5 this year. But we’re a bit ahead …
Just a few functions and no one can miss Freelo anymore
Haha. That’s exactly what we said on January Hackathon in Prague. With an interval of eleven months, we see how wrong we have been.
With each new interview and question from our user, we discover new use cases, new needs, and opportunities.
It’s a great and terrible feeling at the same time, but it takes us forward.
Freelancer, Team, Business & Enterprise
In March we were faced with one of the most difficult tasks. We changed the price list. Instead of one tariff for all, we have prepared a mix of tariffs for each group.
We have been looking for new tariffs for eight months and it has not been easy.
With time, we can say that we have found the balance between value and price. Thanks to this change, Freelo can move faster and more sustainably. Perhaps we might be looking for an investor or solving existence problems without this change.
Let´s Go to the field!
This autumn we set out for meetings and conferences. Whether to train or transmit our know-how to others and it´s awesome feeling help others with their problems on the project.
Where have we been?
Project Management Conference
A greatly organized event, where everybody who has revolved around projects has to come.
A wide range of experienced speakers passed knowledge from project management through leadership or personal development to vision for the next decade.
You definitely can not say that it was just a meeting of project managers.
We were at the afternoon block where Freelo has a workshop on how to organize your business easily and with pleasure.
Project club
Mira Vlach organizes a project club meeting every month. Last autumn he invited us to Ostrava, where we talked about Freelo.
This October, the Prague Impact Hub was filled because of the topic: How best to lead the team of developers with Roman Pichlík.
College of project managment…
It depends on how you work. We know well that the instruments will not save everything.
That is why we have written:
- 7 Rules How to Organize your Projects
- 10 Rules for Effective Teamwork
- Remote Work Can be an Advantage for a Company
Let’s talk about it …
It was one of the reasons why we created the Freelo community this summer. We want you to better share your workflows, share your ticks and find new ways and approaches to managing your work. We did not expect that over a hundred people will be in the group.
You can join on Slack or Facebook.
Freelo 3.0
Absolutely essential for us was the Freelo 3.0 update. It was almost half a year’s hard work, but it paid off. We did not expect to praise so much – Thank you all of you!
Hack, Hack, #FreeloHackathon
This year we overheated the keyboard together several times. In Prague, Pardubice, Malaga and the Austrian Alps.
#FreeloHackathon can be likened to a big wave ride. Let’s jump on her and everything turns only around Freelo. Absolute focus and flow. And as soon as it’s over, we figure out when to jump on the next one.
What to say on the end…
A developing product like Freelo is a great ride we all enjoy. We know well that the journey will be long, thorny and perhaps endless. But that’s probably what we enjoy.
Speaking of numbers, Freelo could be summed up like this in 2016-17 …
- You showed up over the tasks 8,230 USD
- You have created over 12,500 projects.
- And you wrote over 165,394 comments.
And that´s something!