Behind the scene

Behind the scene

Freelo Blog Behind the scene

365 Days of Freelo - the second act

Another year is behind us and we can together remember all the important things that happened. Come to recap with us this amazing year! Where to start elsewhere than last birthday of Freelo. We celebrated maybe "too much" in the Vinohrady Parliament. :-) Participation surprised us so we are preparing a heavier caliber in co-working space in Prague Node5 this year. But we're a bit ahead ...
sen dream hvězdy

The First 365 Days of Freelo - up, down and back again

Freelo finally have first year behind. There were ups and downs. Moments of hope and nervousness. What is it like to come to the Czech market with own application? Can you ever think of everything in advance, or do you have to learn a lot, and especially improvise? We released the most interesting thing that we found out and experienced in 365 days of Freelo's work.