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Simplify your accounting office

What you will learn:

  • Endless mess in emails - Things can communicate clearly, concisely and in a structured way.            Repeated client polling. No more reminders: "and could you answer my XY point?"
  • Substitutability - Different practices and specifics across clients can be easily shared and actively worked on.
  • Error or unnecessary queries - Common workflows can be entered into simple checklists.
  • Get rid of lossy clients - Easily measure time over individual clients. It will be a matter of minutes to compare your earnings with the time worked. You can also easily submit reports to the client.
  • No more forgetting - Regular payments, submissions, and taxes can be on repetitive tasks. No one will ever forget them again. They will be reminded in advance, so there will be enough time for everything.
  • We'll show you a workflow that will make it unnecessary to drive clients the day before VAT is filed.
  • Thanks to Freelo we increase general awareness of the team about your accounting office.
  • We hope to reduce stress levels when working with clients.

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Basics Short Quick teaser of Freelo for invited users